Oct. 22, 2020

Ep.57 Ask the Expert: Love After Divorce with Pastor Buddy Walker (Part 2)

Ep.57 Ask the Expert: Love After Divorce with Pastor Buddy Walker (Part 2)

Today I’m speaking with our expert about this week’s topic. It’s practical. It hits all the hard places, and offers tips and solutions to help us move to the next level.

Episode Summary

In Part 2 of this 2 part interview with Pastor Buddy Walker of Faith Christian Fellowship Tavares Florida and Director of Empower School and Farm, he describes how he met his current wife, the steps he took to test the relationship to ensure this was right, and how his ex wife later became a friend to his new wife. 

Key Takeaways

  • If we seek God about the challenges in our marriage, He will reveal when a marriage should be considered over. He will release us (3:28)
  • Marriage is about coming together with someone who will help us to become the person that God intended for us to be (6:18) 
  • It's important when preparing to meet someone to get to know that person, their perspectives on things and if these line up with Biblical principles and with who you are (12:32)
  • It's important to seek pastoral counsel when making significant decisions generally and re remarrying including to avoid rebounding (15:27)
  • Find ways to assess whether this person is a Christian, shares your Christian values and has truly committed his life to Christ. That the person is very sincere and that there are no warnings as far as proceeding in development of the relationship (17:26)

Top Quotes

  • I wanted to be certain that in God's eyes I was divorced, legally....did God want me to still hold out hope that somehow our marriage would be still restored or was it truly that that marriage even in God's eyes had ended? (1:13)
  • When he said, It's not good for man to be alone, He was actually referring to something more than just loneliness or a need for affection. That He was talking about inner life growth. He was talking also about wholeness (5:59)
  • I believe what I saw in her eyes was mercy and compassion (10:25)
  • She told me that she had totally committed her life to Christ and that she was at a stage in her life that that was very important. And that she was not interested in starting a relationship with someone who professes to be a Christian and yet wanting to live worldly (11:54)
  • People that knew me, were praying for me interceding for me, both from my church, and also other pastors (16:28)
  • One of the programs that we went through was a marriage compatibility profile where we did a series of assessments and it involved a lot of things her family history, my family history, our education, our birth order...and then it rated our compatibility, our strong points and then our potential growth areas (18:43)
  • I could not reverse the breakup of the marriage but I could look for God to bring something good out of what was meant for destruction (26:21)


  • Scriptures: John 4:1-28, 1 Corinthians 7:1-11, Genesis 2:18 

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Buddy Walker Profile Photo

Buddy Walker

Pastor, Faith Christian Fellowship

Buddy felt a call to missions at age 16 and made his first short-term mission trip to Mexico at age 19. He graduated from the Spanish Language School of Guadalajara, Mexico and received his theological training from the El Calvario International Bible College in Guatemala, C.A. He has planted churches, served for 35 years as senior pastor of 4 churches and also currently serves as the executive director of the Empower School of Discipleship and World Missions.

Developing leaders and team ministries for effective community outreach, new church plantings, pastoral care of churches and world missions is the focus of Buddy’s ministry.