Oct. 20, 2020

Ep.55 The Chat Room: 'Love After Divorce' (Part 2)

Ep.55 The Chat Room: 'Love After Divorce' (Part 2)

Today I'm going into The Chat Room where women from around the world join me in my virtual studio to discuss the topic of the week. The conversations are really eye-opening and we usually uncover nuggets to help us all live this single life like a boss.

Episode Summary

In Part 2 of this 2 part episode, my cousin Nadine Lewis (a divorcee, entrepreneur, wife, mother and elder in her church) shares how she handled her relationship once she became a Christian since he was not yet one. She also gives us some advice on how to find Love After Divorce.

Key Takeaways

  • You have to determine his readiness for a relationship/marriage even as we have to assess our own (3:50)
  • Be honest about the kind of relationship you're in. Don't lie or hide (7:51)
  • We have to be careful that we don't become legalistic and make the man uncomfortable because we're now Christians and he is not (10:35)
  • Your objective is not to 'turn' him into a Christian but to let him see Jesus in you and want to have what you have as in 1 Peter 3:1-6 (12:05)
  • When you take a vote on marriage as a Christian it ought to mean something serious (15:37)

Top Quotes

  • It is so important for family backgrounds to be, you don't have to be the same, but there should be some similarities. And that's what made it good for us and probably easy. And when you don't have that it's harder (4:58)
  • When we become Christians it doesn't mean that we now have to put a noose around anybody's neck or a block on anybody's head...or anything like that (10:35)
  • I've heard so many men say...when a woman becomes a Christian, it's almost like she forgets that we had a friendship. She forgets that we're trying to do this together (10:59)
  • You have to let them (the man who is not a Christian) make their own decision. Encourage them. Because we'll get up and he will decide to go to church this Sunday...and then another Sunday I ask you're not going to church this morning? he says no. I just leave him (11:31)
  • What you need to do is live in your life, so that they will see that this Christian thing and say she's happy I want be happy too (11:55)
  • Making a promise not only to your husband but more to God that you're gonna do these things. And because of that for me I do everything to ensure that I don't break that covenant because you have this reverence and fear of God (14:50)
  • You must be aware that you're not perfect and the other person is not perfect either and you will make mistakes. You must be willing to apologize. You must be willing to step backwards and...you have to own up to your mistakes (17:15)

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Nadine Lewis Profile Photo

Nadine Lewis

Owner at Always & Forever Jamaica (Wedding Planning Service)