Oct. 19, 2020

Ep.54 The Chat Room: 'Love After Divorce' (Part 1)

Ep.54 The Chat Room: 'Love After Divorce' (Part 1)

Today I'm going into The Chat Room where women from around the world join me in my virtual studio to discuss the topic of the week. The conversations are really eye-opening and we usually uncover nuggets to help us all live this single life like a boss.

Episode Summary

In Part 1 of this 2 part episode, my cousin Nadine Lewis, a divorcee, entrepreneur, wife, mother and elder in her church, shares about her first marriage which was abusive. She also tells me how she met her second husband..her true happily ever after. Listen to the full episode to enjoy her story. Then come back tomorrow for Part 2.

Key Takeaways

  • When it's time to leave a relationship, esp one that's abusive, you're going to need to be brave. Otherwise you may never leave (4:21)
  • Don't take on all the blame of the failed relationship (5:19)
  • It's not okay to subject children to the toxicity and abuse, even if they aren't being abused (6:21)
  • Don't let your failed relationship cause you to harden your heart towards remarrying. You could ruin the chance of finding real love (13:24)
  • The man that pursues you should make you feel safe, secure and cared for (17:30)
  • You have to be willing to evaluate where you went wrong in the relationship and how you contributed to it breaking down (22:26)

Top Quotes

  • It doesn't matter what happened between you and the children's father, accommodate him in their lives (8:03)
  • My time was consumed with making them (my children) comfortable, and making their lives, you know, as easy as possible (12:14)
  • The first signs you want to look for are those things that caused the first marriage to break down (20:54)
  • You have to do some introspection, analyze yourself and see what did you contribute to the first failure because it takes two persons to make it fail (22:26)
  • That is where a lot of us may fall down. We don't see, even when the other person is super wrong, how we contributed (22:40)

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Nadine Lewis Profile Photo

Nadine Lewis

Owner at Always & Forever Jamaica (Wedding Planning Service)