Sept. 15, 2020

Ep.32 Man Talk: 'Weh Di Real Man Dem Deh?' (Part 2)

Ep.32 Man Talk: 'Weh Di Real Man Dem Deh?' (Part 2)

Today we're tuning into Man Talk, the segment that unlocks the male perspective on the topic of the week. The conversations are really enlightening but more importantly it will help us all understand the male psyche and how to navigate it for our relationships and marriage.

Episode Summary

In Part 2 of this 2 part episode, I continue my discussion with Craig and Michael on the topic 'Weh Di Real Man Dem Deh?' or in English 'Where Are The Real Men?'. They also share how women can help men to become the kind of men they ought to become; how women can be help meets, as described in Genesis 2:18. 

Key Takeaways

  • Women have to be careful to not do things that will alienate their partners  (7:04)
  • People will argue in relationships but we each have to be willing to step back to examine why God brought us together (12:14)
  • As  a woman seeks to evaluate the maturity of her partner, she needs to  consider who he is influenced by and who he seeks to please (22:44)
  • A man who seeks to mentor young men will and who commits to leading by example will usually act rightly (23:51)

Top Quotes

  • If  he is a good man he will lead you down the right path and when you must  stand to the front and rise and shine he will allow you to do that (7:22)
  • As  man we must be the head but allow woman to step on their own to, you  know, to find their own feet and to be able to establish themselves  (10:57)
  • One must be able to say no, we need to step back. We need to understand why God bring us together (12:34)
  • Be there you know to give advice, to help in whatever way and I tell you it will make the man feel better (14:01)
  • When  God brings you together with someone He is not bringing a perfect  person to you but He is seeking to perfect something in you (18:44)
  • If  his relationships with, with his peers are stronger than his  relationship with God then there's a whole heap of vulnerability right  there (21:39)
  • If  a man has a daughter and he has a good relationship with  that relationship and you will see what that man is capable of (23:23)

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Craig Graham Profile Photo

Craig Graham

Servant Of God, Husband, Producer, Editor, Evangelistic Leader of God's Creation Ministries

Michael Dixon Profile Photo

Michael Dixon

CEO Biz Tools Marketing