Aug. 26, 2020

Ep.18 Ask the Expert: 'Emotional Dangers of Premarital Sex' (Part 2)

Ep.18 Ask the Expert: 'Emotional Dangers of Premarital Sex' (Part 2)

Today I’m speaking with our expert about this week’s topic. It’s practical. It hits all the hard places, and offers tips and solutions to help us move to the next level.

Episode Summary

In this episode of Ask the Expert, Dr. Thomas Lickona takes us through the 5 remaining emotional dangers associated with sex outside of marriage. He also shares on how we can be restored. He also discusses the damaging impact of porn and how it diminishes one's sensitivity to values and attitudes.

Key Takeaways

  • When disappointment accompanies premarital sex, fear of commitment, loss of trust, depression and even suicide may follow (1:05)
  • Friends with benefits gives the man the benefits but lacks the friendship and companionship women desire (4:09)
  • Some people who have premarital sex are haunted by flashbacks when they get married (8:42)
  • Engaging in premarital sex can result in cheating because we're not practicing to resist the urges (9:36)
  • Cohabitation increases the likelihood of divorce (11:55)
  • Porn will lessen people's sensitivity to values and attitudes (23:20)

Top Quotes

  • If  you engage in premarital sex then you're not learning to resist  temptation and you will experience temptation after marriage (9:46)
  • We should save the ultimate intimacy for the ultimate commitment, we should join our bodies when we've joined our lives (14:01)
  • People  who have viewed porn were more likely to consider rape less of a crime,  believe promiscuity is normal, were more accepting of sexual  infidelity, valued marriage less and expressed less of a desire to have  children (23:56)
  • You  can approach God directly at any point for forgiveness, and for the  strength to practice chase living to find a new path (34:20)
  • It (premarital sex) is stealing from your future spouse what really belongs to them (44:51)


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Dr. Thomas Lickona Profile Photo

Dr. Thomas Lickona

Developmental Psychologist, Professor of Education Emeritus & Founding Director of The Center for the 4th and 5th Rs

Thomas Lickona, Ph.D., is a developmental psychologist, professor of education emeritus, and founding director of the Center for the 4th and 5th Rs (Respect and Responsibility) at the State University of New York at Cortland, where he has done national award-winning work in teacher and parent education.

Moral Education: A Handbook calls him “the father of modern character education.” A past president of the Association for Moral Education, he speaks around the world on fostering moral values and character development in schools, families, and communities.

His eight books on moral development and character education have been translated into ten languages. They include Raising Good Children; Educating for Character (known as “the bible of the character education movement”); Character Matters; and (with Matthew Davidson) Smart & Good High Schools. Educating for Character received a Christopher Award “for affirming the highest values of the human spirit.” His forthcoming book, How to Raise Kind Kids: and Get Respect, Gratitude, and a Happier Family in the Bargain, will be published by Penguin in April 2018.

His Center’s work was the subject of a New York Times Magazine cover article, “Teaching Johnny to Be Good.” He received the Character Education Partnership’s “Sandy Award” for Lifetime Achievement in Character Education and the University of San Francisco’s Outstanding Achievement in Moral Education Award. He has been a guest on national media such as “Good Morning America,” “Larry King Live Radio,” “Focus on the Family,” and National … Read More