Aug. 19, 2020

Ep.13 Ask the Expert: 'Spiritual Dangers of Premarital Sex' (Part 2)

Ep.13 Ask the Expert: 'Spiritual Dangers of Premarital Sex' (Part 2)

Today I’m speaking with our expert about this week’s topic. It’s practical. It hits all the hard places, and offers tips and solutions to help us move to the next level.

Episode Summary

In this episode of Ask the Expert, I continue the discussion with Pastor and Deliverance Minister Howard Tyson who tells us how to recognize that we're in a sinful covenant (chains) and how to break away from these covenants. 

Key Takeaways

  • If we are using sex as God intended we won't need negative stimulants (e.g. porn) to enhance our pleasure (3:05)
  • Sexual sin passes from generation to generation until you deal with it. It chains you (8:08)
  • If  you get sexual dreams, lust at someone's body even with a slight  glance, even in a movie, masturbate, flirt etc. there is an open door to the enemy (9:24)
  • Masturbation is sin because God didn't design us to have sex with ourselves (10:08)
  • Your body is the temple and it is where you meet with God (15:41)
  • Premarital  sex will prevent you from maturing in God spiritually and will keep the  lust and fornication door open to your soul (23:01)
  • To deal with the open door: identify the pattern, repent, get deliverance (25:19)

Top quotes

  • How  to identify the look for  perversion, lust, a propensity  towards sexual things. It might not be outright blatant but it is (can  be) subtle (8:42)
  • If you are in worship and your soul is being touched and transformed, your sexuality is going to be open (12:30)
  • So  if you are the tabernacle and any other foreign entity is coming into  the tabernacle, it is going to disrupt the flow of worship between you  and your God (15:52)
  • It  is a doorway for the enemy to kill your dream to kill your purpose to  keep you stagnant to keep you in poverty, to keep you in depression, to  keep you from marrying (23:25)
  • Get spiritual help (deliverance) to break free (25:49)
  • When I speak of perversion here now (it's) everything sexual that the enemy will flood your soul with (33:55)


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Howard Tyson Profile Photo

Howard Tyson

Associate Pastor, Deliverance Minister & Teacher, Fellowship Tabernacle

As an Associate Pastor at Fellowship Tabernacle Kingston, Rev. Howard Tyson enjoys helping others to become free indeed to accomplish their purpose. He is committed to edifying, exhorting and comforting those he serves through the gifts of prophecy and deliverance and through his training in marriage, family and general counseling.

Rev. Tyson is a prolific teacher having taught, imparted, and released hundreds of Christian men, women, and leaders into their divine assignment. In keeping with the role of teacher, he also lectures at Whole Life College, a sister organization of Fellowship Tabernacle.

Rev. Tyson’s accomplishments as a dynamic speaker are also well noted. He has ministered to schools, churches and other institutions locally and internationally on a variety of topics aimed at helping individuals mature, become their best selves, and navigate life successfully.

Rev. Howard Tyson is married to one wife, Janice. They have two sons and a daughter.