Aug. 3, 2020

Ep.03 Ask the Expert: 'Why Some Single Women Feel Cursed & How To Bounce Forward''

Ep.03 Ask the Expert: 'Why Some Single Women Feel Cursed & How To Bounce Forward''

Today I’m speaking with our expert about this week’s topic. It’s practical. It hits all the hard places, and offers tips and solutions to help us move to the next level.

Episode Summary

In this episode of Ask the Expert, I speak with certified coach, counselor,  educator, and my long time friend, Tameka Williams-Walker, a.k.a. Coach Tami. Coach Tami explains that there is a stigma placed on women who are single. This stigma causes some women to see singleness as a curse and makes them believe that they have to get married to be made whole. She debunks the myth and tells us how single women can enjoy and make the best of their single lives.

Key Takeaways

  • Think of yourself as a queen. You're a queen. You're a princess and should be treated accordingly (16:38)
  • Many  women do not know what love looks like. They do not understand what a  good relationship entails, which is unfortunate (16:45)
  • If you are not in relationship continue to do things to develop yourself as a person (17:19)
  • I  think if there is actual talk between single and married people, they  would understand that there are also things that need to be addressed  (in marriage). And that it's not always that the grass is greener on the  other side (23:26)

Top Quotes

  • To look at it as a blessing, it's about a mindset. It's about changing from the inside out. It's renewing of your mind (10:29)
  • Have  systems or programs in place where people can get that support, they  can get that help, they can empower each other. Women empowering each  other (11:11)
  • As  a Christian woman if you continue to develop a deeper relationship with  God and have faith and trust Him, I know He will direct you to the  right partner (11:45)
  • Learn to love yourself first. That's after God Of course. You definitely must love God first (16:24)
  • A  woman who is self-sufficient is confident and her self esteem is  strong. Let me tell you and she has God in her life, I promise you that  will make the difference. That will make a major difference (20:58)
  • Do not leave God out of your decision-making process, it will make your life so much easier (24:05)


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Tameka Williams-Walker Profile Photo

Tameka Williams-Walker

Founder Williams Education & Enrichment Programme, Life Coach, Active Parenting Coach & Author

Tameka is the president of Williams Education and Enrichment Program Inc., a 501(c) 3k organization, which is dedicated to the social and economic empowerment of disadvantaged individuals. She is the director/founder of the Youth Entrepreneur Program, whose mission is to foster an entrepreneurial mindset in youths/young adults, and the sponsor of a mentoring program for young girls from ages 12-18 years.

Tameka is a certified life coach and active parenting coach, who has a passion for families. She is an educator in the public school system, an entrepreneur, an award winning writer, speaker, community advocate and youth counselor. She has a Bachelor of Information Technology, a Master of Education, has done advanced studies in sociology, psychology, and is pursuing her PhD in Organizational Leadership and Christian Counseling. Tameka has written the books Take Back Your Life: How to Triumph through Adversity, 10 Questions to Help You Find That Amazing Partner and published the journal, My Personal Planner.

Tameka’s ultimate vision is to educate, empower, and transform the lives of individuals and families, one goal at a time. She lives in South Florida, is married, and has 3 children.