Aug. 3, 2020

Ep.02 Man Talk: 'Singleness: Blessing or Curse'

Ep.02 Man Talk: 'Singleness: Blessing or Curse'

Today we're tuning into Man Talk, the segment that unlocks the male perspective on the topic of the week. The conversations are really enlightening but more importantly it will help us all understand the male psyche and how to navigate it for our relationships and marriage.

Episode Summary

In  this episode of Man Talk, I speak to Kareem and Alex who admit that though being  single Christian men isn’t always easy, singleness is a blessing because it allows you the time to get to know yourself, focus on your plans and take steps towards your success. They share how they manage the feelings and challenges that may sometimes come with being single and how they avoid certain situations to preserve themselves while they wait.

Key Takeaways

  • Each experience that you go through is supposed to be a learning curve. We are supposed to be taking something from it (4:01)
  • Even  though we're single, if we don't deal with our hearts, then that  transcends to every single relationship that we get into after that  (4:48)
  • Singleness is a blessing because you are able to use the time to prepare for marriage (10:05)
  • A support system tends to help you in dealing with  with urges and emotions (17:26)
  • When you are happy/unhappy) that happiness/unhappiness is brought over into marriage (28:21)

Top Quotes

  • I  cannot view any relationship as a curse because each experience that  you go through is supposed to be a learning curve. You're supposed to be  taking something from it, good or bad, that is supposed to help develop  you to move forward (4:01)
  • When I'm not with anybody, I'm OK. When I'm with somebody, I’m OK as well (5:35)
  • I want to be at a place where I'm able to support that person or I'm able to support me (8:31)
  • I had some character flaws I needed to work on and she had some character flaws that she needed to work on as well (20:23)
  • You  cannot forget the fact that if you don't deal with certain things or  get certain processes started before you enter into a relationship, you  can do more harm than good (24:21)
  • You  have to be okay with being single with yourself and loving yourself  first, before you can enter into any relationship to love anybody else  (26:45)
  • To see your single life as a curse is basically seeing yourself as a curse (27:27)
  • You  have to choose to be happy. It's not something people can give you. You  have to choose to be happy and you have to choose to love yourself  (31:12)

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Alex Henry Profile Photo

Alex Henry

Deacon & Church Leader (Men & Youth)

Kareem Ballantyne Profile Photo

Kareem Ballantyne

Math Teacher (M.Ed.-Math), Mentor, Church Youth Leader & Worshipper