Jan. 16, 2021

Take Captive Every Thought

Take Captive Every Thought

It's easy to get caught up in negative thoughts about ourselves, our circumstances or other people. It's also easy to become overwhelmed by the thoughts to the point of rage, depression, suicide, unforgiveness etc. My trick for moving from that place has always been to read and verbalise 2 Corinthians 10 verse 5. I tell my thoughts, I'm taking you captive and making you obedient to what God says about me, my circumstances and those who hurt me because I refuse to not be like Him and I choose to be free. Then I get deliberate about thinking good thoughts. If you're at that point try it, it may work for you too.

In the meantime let's pray. Lord, I thank you for the person reading this post. I thank you that you love her and that nothing that's happening in her life will ever change that. Help her to think of herself as you do - to see herself as beautiful, lovely and awesome. Help her to not be overwhelmed by her circumstances because you're bigger than what she's going through and you want to help her if she'll let you. Help her to forgive because unforgiveness is toxic and you want her to have joy and live an abundant life. Lord help her to take captive her thoughts and make them obedient to you so that she can be at peace and prosper. In Jesus' name Amen