Jan. 16, 2021

Shift Your Focus

Shift Your Focus
The enemy is pleased when we focus on things that are not 'true, honest, just, pure, lovely, and of good report' (Philippians 4:8) because it means we will produce things that are negative, perhaps even toxic.

I am a living testimony of this that you become what you focus on. I became a sex addict because I binge-watched porn, listened to a lot of lewd music, and made every conversation about sex. Even the most unrelated topics turned into something to do with sex. I became a liar because I would watch a lot of soap operas and wanted to be more like my favorite actors in the show but everything they spewed centered around lying and pretense. So basically, what I focused on triggered bad habits and behaviors which spiralled into other bad habits and behaviors, and eventually created serious challenges.

When I became a Christian however, I learned that the things I focus on matter because that's what will determine whether I attract the things of God or the things of the enemy. This is a part of what being fruitful and multiplying is about. When we put junk in we're gonna get junk out and it will multiply and spin out of control. However, if we focus on godly stuff and feed ourselves on that, we are guaranteed to bear godly fruit which will then multiply to produce health, wealth and godly impact.
If you're struggling with stuff and are going through some challenges check yourself. No need to feel like crap just see if what you're doing could be holding you back or causing you to bear negative fruit. And if that's the case change your focus. Remember, our breakthrough sometimes hinges on us shifting focus.