Feb. 16, 2021

Happy Making The Most of My Singleness Day

Happy Making The Most of My Singleness Day

I LOVE #love and #valentinesday. What I don't like is how much time some #singlewomen spend hating the fact they're #single for #valentinesday. ⁣

I mean I get it. Companionship is great, getting flowers and gifts from your partner on #valentinesday is super great. However, being #single isn't bad. In fact it should be celebrated. It's something we should be making the most of until we find our Mr. Right. But since so many of us single women get overwhelmed on #valentinesday, I wanted to share what I usually do in celebration of my singleness, the day after #valentinesday.⁣⁣⁣
1. I buy myself flowers, chocolates and/or take myself to dinner because #selflovematters and is so under-rated. Plus we can't truly love others if we don't first #loveourselves.⁣⁣⁣
2. I #motivate the heck out of my day, reminding myself of all the great things God says about me.⁣⁣⁣
3. I spend time making sure I'm where God wants me to be at and I work on fixing what He wants me to fix about me.⁣⁣⁣
4. I assess my #relationshipgoals to make sure they're realistic, purposeful and god-aligned.⁣ it's so easy when you're #single to focus on the wrong things and develop selfish habits and soulish thoughts.⁣⁣
5. Finally, I #selfreflect because too often we want the perfect man but don't spend enough time becoming the perfect woman for that man. And, I'm all about making the most of my #singleness to become the kind of woman he deserves.⁣⁣⁣
So those are the things I usually focus on the day after #valentinesday; the day I celebrate 'Making The Most Of My Singleness Day'.⁣ What do you do? Or maybe there's something that you never thought of but realize after reading that you probably should be doing? Either way, let me know.⁣⁣