Jan. 16, 2021

Are you Really Ready For Mr. Right?

Are you Really Ready For Mr. Right?

The last few years of my life have been truly exciting. The Lord has been molding me and as I go through this process I see where I am being transformed and am becoming the best version of me I can be.


However, recently I've found myself wondering about my readiness for marriage. I wondered how much closer I was to becoming 'a good thing' (Proverbs 18:22). I'm divorced and though it was abusive, I also know that I wasn’t the wife he needed. I wasn’t ready for marriage and I wasn’t yet the best wife for any man.


I've found myself wondering about my readiness for marriage. I wondered how much closer I was to becoming 'a good thing' (Proverbs 18:22)


While I’m sitting here writing, I’m reminded of what my pastor often says “so many women pray for the perfect husband. Yet these same women aren’t yet ready for marriage…and God won’t give His ‘best’ version of a husband to a wife that isn’t the best version of herself.” He’s right. There are wonderful men out there. God didn’t make a mistake when He made men. So I know there is an honest to goodness, fabulous man out there for me as there is for other women. However, I am concerned that we spend so much time fantasizing about the wedding and having children and being mushy that we don’t spend enough time preparing ourselves for marriage; preparing ourselves to be the best wives we can be.


I am concerned that we spend so much time fantasizing about the wedding and having children and being mushy that we don’t spend enough time preparing ourselves for marriage; preparing ourselves to be the best wives we can be


So perhaps we should ask ourselves: Are we the best version of ourselves? Do we mirror what we’ve been asking God for in a husband? Are we the kind of woman he (the husband we’re praying for) would want? Are we yet or are we becoming who God says we should be?


Let’s not fool ourselves into readily thinking that the answer to these questions is ‘Yes’. Unless we’ve been deliberate in preparing ourselves to be the best version of who we can be and the best wives we can be, we aren’t there yet. So rather than merely praying for a husband, perhaps we should also ask God to show us how to be the wives our husbands to be deserve.