

Welcome to the Smart, Fabulous & Single Podcast. I am your host Tricia-Anne Y. Morris. 


Let me start by saying, this podcast is a God-idea. You know, one of those ideas that you weren't sure about and then all of a sudden it's happening and you start to wonder, 'where did this all come from?' 

All I knew was that God had women He wanted to heal, help and accelerate...similar to what He did with me...and I was one of the women He wanted to use to get it done. So, whether you're single, courting or dating you’ll definitely want to subscribe to the Smart, Fabulous & Single Podcast.

Why this Podcast is for You

This podcast is for you because you'll learn how to transform the way you do your single life. We'll share stories, tips, solutions and resources that are designed to help you unlock your full potential, develop godly habits, make God-based choices, strengthen your relationships, and prepare you for marriage. All in all, this podcast is about helping you to conquer everything life throws your way. 

The vibe is open, honest and transformative. So, expect to laugh, self-reflect, re-evaluate and maybe even cry.  In the end, you'll become more lik the woman God has called you to be!

What to expect from the segments

We do 5 episodes each week and 13 weeks each season. Although we may change things up a bit, you typically can enjoy the following segments Monday through Friday.

  • In the Chat Room, women share their thoughts, experiences and lessons learned on the topic of the week. Episode airs on Mondays

  • On Man Talk, men share their thoughts and lessons learned on the topic of the week in order to help us understand the male psyche. Episode typically airs on Tuesdays

  • On Ask the Expert, experts share their professional opinion on the topic of the week. It's practical, hits all the hard places and gives you solutions to take you to the next level. Episode airs on Wednesdays

  • On All Wrapped Up, I recap the key takeaways for the week and bring it together from a Biblical perspective. I also answer questions or comment on feedback from listeners. Episode airs on Thursdays

  • The Producer's Pick is a bonus segment. In it my guests and I dissect the line from a song, movie, social media post, Scripture, topic you suggest etc. Episode airs on Fridays

Subscribe to Stay Connected

Well, now you know what to expect. I hope this means you'll join me each season. If you want to become your best you, God's way, subscribe to our show to make sure you don't miss out. Invite as many of your friends to subscribe as well and make sure to share/tweet our episodes.

Let Us Hear From You

We really want to hear from you and there are so many ways for you to reach out. You can:

  • Rate the Show and let me know what you think. I'm really looking forward to your feedback
  • Join our community to receive updates on episodes, show notes, blogs, resources, courses etc.
  • Send a message here if you want to be a virtual guest or have a topic idea you want to share
  • Leave a voice message on the website if you have questions or comments on any of our episodes
  • Leave a comment on our episode pages


Thanks to all of those who supported our first Season. You helped to make our show a huge success. Two weeks after launch it went to #1 in its category and it was the #1 All-Time Bestseller for Religion & Spirituality for 10 days. All because of you!!! 

About the Host

Tricia-Anne Y. Morris Profile Photo

Tricia-Anne Y. Morris

Host / Author / Coach / Transformational Speaker

I am a single woman from Jamaica who for a long time lived recklessly, made bad decisions, got into crazy relationships, dated too many persons (sometimes even at the same time), made money and lost it, and oh let’s not forget the anger issues and insecurities, though I didn’t know these were issues at the time. Then I became a Christian and my transformation began. I took a break from life for a little bit and went on a journey of healing, deliverance and restoration.

After a few years I was in a much better place and started to do life differently. I wrote my first book, launched the Smart, Fabulous & Single Conference, trained as a purpose, success and business coach, and much more. Since then I’ve been living my single life successfully, God’s way. My mindset is different now. I’m more confident about who I am and whose I am. So that even when I fall, I’m so grounded in God as my Father and King that I get right back up.

I want to share my experiences, tips, stories from others, and a whole lot more with you in this podcast so you can grow too....so we can grow together. Because, it's a process and there's so much more for us to learn.